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Not sure how to get started? Need more structure and guidance?
Book a free consultation with one of our coaches!
Our coaches are not your regular run-of-the-mill, everyone gets the same program-type coaches. Our coaches have been running their own personal businesses for years and use our gym to train and coach clients. Your coach has the expertise and experience needed to tailor your training program to YOU and specialize in meeting your individual goals (not a cookie-cutter program).
Book a consultation with one of our coaches. See what option is the right fit for you!
No pressure, no sales-tactics.
Meg Desmond
Powerlifting and Fitness Fundamentals
Meg is a competitive powerlifter and powerlifting coach who also loves to coach beginners (intro to weights, bodyweight exercise, and cardio training). She is an aspiring novelist.
Shahryar Moshiri
Head Powerlifting Coach
Shahryar is our head powerlifting coach. He also teaches strength and conditioning for combat athletes, track and field, and team sports. He makes a mean shakshuka.
Garima Dang
Injury and Recovery Specialist
Garima is a seasoned injury rehabilitation and active recovery specialist. She is also well-versed in coaching beginners, weight-loss, or body recomposition, and strength training. She recently moved here from Dubai!
Jason Fernandes
Rehabilitation and Performance Specialist
Jason's has worked with people of all levels, including pre and post-rehabilitation patients, pre and post-natal women, amateur and world class professional athletes, as well as beginners to the world of fitness and well-being. He also is a fantastic dancer.
What to see our full roster of coaches?
Browse our coach bios and learn more about our approach.
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Check out our membership page!